Advanced Uninstaller PRO 8.5.5

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Advanced Uninstaller PRO 8.5.5
Advanced Uninstaller PRO yazilimi bilgisayarinizdaki programlari kaldirmaya yarayan bir programdir. program – ekle – kaldir dan bile silemediginiz programlari advanced uninstaller programi ile kaldirmaniz mumkun. ayrica cok iddali bir programdir tavsiye ederim.

Advanced Uninstaller PRO is a suite for uninstalling applications and keeping your computer fast, clean, and in its best shape. A powerful installation monitor is included. The Services Manager gives you complete control over services and helps you apply optimized Windows services profiles. The Duplicate Files Manager makes sure no files clutter your disk. The Startup Manager helps you control start-up programs and contains detailed information about each program (a huge database of more than 4,000 applications is included). The Registry cleaner, optimizer, defragmenter, and backup tools can keep your Registry clean, fast and speed up your computer. The Quick Cleaner wizard helps you do a one-step clean-up of your computer and delete history records of more than 100 programs, including Microsoft Office, MSN, WinZip, Kazaa, RealPlayer, and Firefox. You also can uninstall Internet Explorer toolbars and plug-ins, and manage your Control Panel icons and fonts. version 8.5.5 solves a minor Font Manager issue.

Dili: Ingilizce
Boyutu: 15.58 Mb
Lisans: Shareware
Kisitlamalar: 20 gun denemesi bedava, sisteminizde kalmasini isterseniz 40$
Sistem Gereksinimi: Windows 95/98/Me/NT/2000/XP

Advanced Uninstaller PRO 8.5.5

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