ThreatFire Cyberhawk

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ThreatFire Cyberhawk – Cyberhawk programini PcTools firmasi Cyberhawk olarak bilinen urunleri satin alip, ThreatFire ismiyle yayinlamaya basladi. ThreatFire, guclu bir antivirus, spyware, trojan ve bilgisayar guvenliginizi tehdit eden diger yazilimlara karsi koruma getirmektedir. ThreatFire Cyberhawk, 0 gun (zero-day) olarak bilinen tum tehlikelere karsi koruma saglar hem de en amator kullanicilara bile. ThreatFire Cyberhawk; hem bir antivirus, hem bir antispyware hem de bir firewall gorevi gormektedir. ThreatFire Cyberhawk diger bilgisayar koruma programlariyla da uyum icinde calismaktadir. Diger programlari kaldirma isteginde bulunmamaktadir. ThreatFire Cyberhawk, arkaplanda surekli olarak calismaktadir. Online olarak kendini surekli guncellestirmektedir. Cogu antivirus uygulamasi bilinen tehlikelere karsi koruma sunarken, ThreatFire Cyberhawk kendi analiz yontemiyle bilinmeyen zararlilara karsi da bilgisayarinizi korur. Rootkit gibi gizli zararlilari dahi bulur.

ThreatFire is the new name of the well known Cyberhawk. It’s a patent-pending, security software for your computer. ThreatFire protects you by intelligently blocking behavior consistent with that of malware such as viruses, worms, trojans, spyware, adware, rootkits, keyloggers, and buffer overflows. ThreatFire vigilantly monitors any activity that might compromise the security of your computer. Technological advances allow ThreatFire to monitor your computer at very low levels to seek out even deeply hidden threats. When you install ThreatFire, it is already fully configured and no additional set up is required. ThreatFire will automatically block any known malicious threats. For indeterminate threats, or threats that might be a virus, it will immediately suspend the suspicious process and present you with the choice to “Allow” or “Deny” the process. You can always undo any actions you decide to take. Information about the type of threat, a description of what it does, and the risk level associated with that type of threat, are always provided so that the program is intuitive and easy-to-use.

ThreatFire Cyberhawk

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