Auslogics BoostSpeed

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Auslogics BoostSpeed BoostSpeed programi aciklamasi : Bilgisayarinizin yavasladigini mi dusunuyorsunuz? Programlari calistirirken eskisi kadar hizli acilmiyor mu? Internette gezinirken hiz eskisi kadar degil mi? Iste bu gibi sorulara evet yanitini veriyorsaniz Auslogics BoostSpeed ile bilgisayarinizin acilis hizini arttirabilir, internet baglantinizi optimize edebilir, programlarinizin daha cabuk acilmasini saglayabilirsiniz. BoostSpeed disk ve registy (kayit girdileri) temizligi yaparak bilgisayarinizin performansini arttirmak uzere hazirlanmis profesyonel bir Windows araci. Odul almis bu program ile sisteminizdeki yavaslama sorunlarini duzeltebilir, ilk kurulumdaki tazeligi ve yuksek performansi yeniden elde edebilirsiniz. Ozellikle Windows baslangici ve program calistirmasi gibi konularda bilgisayar kullanicilarinin derdi olan yavaslik BoostSpeed ile cozume kavusuyor. Isletim siteminizin ayarlarini en hizli calisacak sekilde ayarlayabilen bu program ile ayrica internet uzerinde tarayici ve e-posta istemcisi gibi programlarinda calisma hizlari artmis oluyor.

Start programs faster. Speed up computer start time. Increase Internet speed, optimize your Internet Explorer, Firefox and E-mail programs. Boost Speed will clean up disks and the Registry to speed up your computer and tweak Windows to its peak performance. this powerful optimization suite will boost Internet, tweak Windows to its peak performance. It’s a great way to keep your computer clean and optimized. This is so typical. We buy a new PC and soon it slows down to a crawl. Sometimes we just expect too much perhaps. But all too often, the computer is really running slow. Auslogics BoostSpeed Why? Remnants of programs you once installed are now clogging the memory and disks. The Windows Registry is filled with junk and rarely defragmented. To top it all, Windows runs services you don’t need. Luckily for us, computer owners, most of these problems can be reversed. Auslogics BoostSpeed can speed up your computer by cleaning up and defragmenting disks and the Registry, removing bloated software, and applying performance tweaks.

Auslogics BoostSpeed

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