USB Disk Security

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USB Disk Security Disk Security programi USB belleklerinizi bilgisayara taktiginizda veri alisverisi yaparken belleginize zararli yazilim bulasma riskine karsi koruma sagliyor. Kucuk boyutuna ragmen bir antivirus programi gibi islev gorerek belleginizde tam koruma sagliyor. Programin ozelligi sadece bu degil. Ayrica bellegi taktiginizda gorulen yeni donanim uyarisini kaldiriyor ve cikartma isleminde olasi bir donanim hatasini ise guvenli bir sekilde kontrol altina aliyor. Cok kolay bir kullanima sahiptir. Hizli ve etkili bir tarama sistemine sahiptir. Her isletim sistemiyle uyumlu bir sekilde calisir. Dunyanin en kucuk ve hizli antivirus programi diyebiliriz.

USB Disk Security provides 100% protection against any malicious programs trying to attack via USB storage (USB disk、USB drive、USB stick、flash drive、flash disk、flash memory、flash card、secure digital card、removable storage、portable storage、ipod、media player). Compare USB Disk Security against other antivirus solutions, you will find out its highlights: USB Disk Security provides 100% protection against any threats via USB drive, however, the majority of other products are unable even to guarantee 90% protection. USB Disk Security is the best antivirus software to permanently protect offline computer without the need for signature updates, but other antivirus software should update signature database regularly, and they cannot effectively protect offline computer.

Deneme Surumu, Tam Surum $55.00

USB Disk Security

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