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YPOPs programi sayasinde yahoo maillerinizi kontrol etmek icin kullanici adi yada sifre yazmaniza gerek kalmayacak. Outlook kullanarak e-mail alabilir yada gonderebilirsiniz. Elektronik posta gondermenizi kolaylastiran guzel bir programdir.

YPOPs is an application that provides POP3 access to Yahoo! Mail. It is available oВ­n the Windows, Linux, Solaris and Mac platforms. Yahoo! Mail disabled free access to its POP3 service oВ­n 24th April, 2002. This application emulates a POP3 server and enables popular email clients like Outlook, Netscape, Eudora, Mozilla, etc., to download email from Yahoo! accounts. We do not go against the license agreements of Yahoo! Mail. This application is completely legitimate and well within the realms of legal software.

Yapimcisi : http://www.ypopsemail.com


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