

Purebasic Purebasic yazilim kodlarini derlemek icin hazirlanmis bir programdir. Windows, Linux, Amiga ve simdi Mac OS X kodlarini desteklemektedir.Yazilan kodlari en hizli sekilde derlemek uzerine gelistirilmis bir teknolojiye sahiptir. Butun isletim sistemlerinin API dosyalarini destekler. Basit ama cok hizli olan 2D oyun kutuphanelerini destekler (DirectX, SDL, …) Kralprogram.net aciklamasi = Purebasic programini indirdikten sonra kendi […]

Bytessence AMVConverter 0.2

Bytessence AMVConverter (BAMVC) is a front-end to the popular FFmpeg project that focuses on the AMV files conversion.AMVs are a relatively new format for video files introduced with the Actions chipsets. Actions chipset are very common and they are found in cheap portable multimedia players (chipods). The international market has been assaulted by these devices […]

Bytessence PassKeeper

BPK is the next generation password manager. It´s FREE to use in any environment. It helps you keep track of your most valuable data, your accounts for e-mails, forums or other places. Everybody has passwords to remember and quite frankly it´s impossible not to forget them, unless you have very good memory. BPK is here […]

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