Registry Fast 4.0

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Registry Fast 4.0Registry Fast 4.0 programi sisteminizin kayit dosyalarinda olusan hatalari onarabililen,sistem taramasi yapip cerezleri vs turu dosyalari temizleyebilen bir programdir.Tarama hizi oldukca hizli olan bu Programla PC’nizin performansini artiracak arka plan optimizasyonuna bakim ,Gecersiz dll girislerini ortadan kaldirma,Bos registry anahtarlarini silme,Program ekleme/kaldirma secenegi gibi pekcok uygulamayi calistirabilirsiniz.

The Windows registry is a vital part of Windows system which constantly records system configuration changes. Installing and uninstalling software can cause the registry to grow and impede the performance of your system. The registry size keeps growing as you use Windows. Eventually your Windows registry will contain so many redundent items that it will lead to unstable performance, system errors, or even a system breakdown. Most computer users have no idea how to fix this, and computers don’t fix themselves. People end up rebooting and re-installing again and again. With Registry Fast™ all these problems will be solved within seconds.Registry Fast 4.0Registry Fast 4.0 programi sisteminizin kayit dosyalarinda olusan hatalari onarabililen,sistem taramasi yapip cerezleri vs turu dosyalari temizleyebilen bir programdir.Tarama hizi oldukca hizli olan bu Programla PC’nizin performansini artiracak arka plan optimizasyonuna bakim ,Gecersiz dll girislerini ortadan kaldirma,Bos registry anahtarlarini silme,Program ekleme/kaldirma secenegi gibi pekcok uygulamayi calistirabilirsiniz.


* Arka plan optimizasyonuna bakim yapar

* Registry(kayit defterini) tarar

* Otomatik veya elle kaldirma secenegi vardir

* Gecersiz dll girislerini ortadan kaldirir

* Bos registry anahtarlarini siler

* Program ekleme/kaldirma secenegi vardir

* Windows baslangic taramasi yapar

* PC’nizi tarar ve sistem hatalarini onarir.Bunun gibi daha bircok ozelligi bulunmaktadir.

Eklenen yeni ozellikler:

* Tarama hizi artirildi
* Bellek kontrolu duzenlendi

The Windows registry is a vital part of Windows system which constantly records system configuration changes. Installing and uninstalling software can cause the registry to grow and impede the performance of your system. The registry size keeps growing as you use Windows. Eventually your Windows registry will contain so many redundent items that it will lead to unstable performance, system errors, or even a system breakdown. Most computer users have no idea how to fix this, and computers don’t fix themselves. People end up rebooting and re-installing again and again. With Registry Fast™ all these problems will be solved within seconds!

Size: 1.2 MB

Registry Fast 4.0

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