HDDlife Pro v3.0.157

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HDDlife Pro v3.0.157HDDlife Pro v3.0.157 programi ile bilgisayarinizda onemli bilgileri kurtarma sansiniz yukseliyor. HDDlife, tum guncel sabitdisklerde olan S.M.A.R.T. teknolojisini kullanarak belirlediginiz periyotlarda sabit diskinizin durumunu kontrol eder ve sabitdiskinizden S.M.A.R.T. sistemi ile aldigi performans sayaclarini isleyip kolay anlasilir bir bicime sokarak, sabitdiskinizde ileride cikabilecek bir probleme karsi sizi uyarir.Boylece sabitdiskinizde ileride meydana gelecek olasi bir problemi size onceden haber vererek cok degerli dosyalarinizi onceden yedekleme imkani sunar. HDDlife, sadece IDE ve Serial ATA sabitdisklerle uyumludur, SCSI diskleri ve RAID yapilandirmalarinda calismaz. Eger IDE veya SATA bir sabitdiskiniz varsa ve verileriniz sizin icin onemliyse bu programi belirli araliklarla kullanmaniz tavsiye olunur.

Protect Yourself from Hard Drive Failure Modern hard drives are much more reliable than the disks of yesterday. However, they still are extremely complex electronic devices with moving parts that are subject to amortization. The high density of data storage provided by the modern disks allows for greater storage capacities and higher access speeds. However, with densities and capacities pushed to the extreme you have much more to lose should the drive fail. The hard drive is the most important component in your entire PC because it holds all that is of real value: your documents, digital pictures, email messages, your work and private data.

HDDlife Pro v3.0.157

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