Wysigot Light 6.1

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Wysigot Light 6.1Wysigot Light 6.1 programi browser tarzinda bir arayuzu olan ve yerel ag veya internet siteleri uzerinde herhangi bir belge aramak icin kullanilan ve dosyalari yonetebilmenize imkan taniyan bir uygulamadir. Ayrica http ve ftp gibi transfer protokollerini de desteklemektedir.

A software with which any web sites or files from the network to monitor. Wysigot is a software with which any web sites or files from the network to monitor and manage. Upon request, the newbies will be highlighted. It does not matter where the files are stored. This software supports HTTP and FTP protocols.

Yapimcisi: http://www.wysigot.com

Wysigot Light 6.1

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